Module stdstream_cloner

Standard Stream Cloner into a Log File.

The role of an instance of stdstream_cloner_t is to automatically clone a standard stream (among stdout and stderr) into a log file whenever the standard function print is called. The print function turns its input into a character string, which is then sent to a standard stream for output. If an instance of stdstream_cloner_t has been created for the corresponding stream, it will intercept the string to send it to the stream, as expected, and to additionally write it to the log file. Cloning is enabled at instantiation time. Afterwards, it can be disabled and re-enabled at will by calling the methods Disable and Enable, respectively. The methods PrintToStreamOnly and PrintToLogOnly allow to bypass the cloning process, outputting to the standard stream alone or to the log file alone, respectively. Character strings to be output are passed as is to the standard stream, but are processed as follows before being written to the log file:

  • Bell characters "\a" are removed;
  • Formfeeds "\f" and vertical tabs "\v" are replaced with newlines "\n";
  • A carriage return "\r" at the beginning or at the end of the string rolls back in the log file right after the latest newline;
  • A sequence of backspaces "\b" at the beginning or at the end of the string rolls back accordingly in the log file. This should not roll back passed the latest newline character, or the log file contents might be 'messed up' until a new newline is written. However, no such check is made.
  • Carriage returns and backspaces in the middle of the string are replaced with "⇦" and "←", respectively.

Minimal Example

>>> from stdstream_cloner import stdstream_cloner_t
>>> stdout_cloner = stdstream_cloner_t("stdout.log", stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT)
>>> stdout_cloner.PrintToStreamOnly("Only in Console\n") # Note the appended newline character. See class documentation.
>>> stdout_cloner.PrintToLogOnly("Only in Log File\n") # Note the appended newline character. See class documentation.
>>> print("In Both the Console and the Log File")
>>> stdout_cloner.Disable()
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# Copyright CNRS/Inria/UCA
# Contributor(s): Eric Debreuve
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Standard Stream Cloner into a Log File.

The role of an instance of `stdstream_cloner.stdstream_cloner_t` is to automatically clone a standard stream (among
stdout and stderr) into a log file whenever the standard function `print` is called. The `print` function turns its
input into a character string, which is then sent to a standard stream for output. If an instance of
`stdstream_cloner.stdstream_cloner_t` has been created for the corresponding stream, it will intercept the string to
send it to the stream, as expected, and to additionally write it to the log file.
    Cloning is enabled at instantiation time. Afterwards, it can be disabled and re-enabled at will by calling the
methods `Disable` and `Enable`, respectively. The methods `PrintToStreamOnly` and `PrintToLogOnly` allow to bypass the
cloning process, outputting to the standard stream alone or to the log file alone, respectively.
    Character strings to be output are passed as is to the standard stream, but are processed as follows before being
written to the log file:
- Bell characters "\a" are removed;
- Formfeeds "\f" and vertical tabs "\v" are replaced with newlines "\n";
- A carriage return "\r" at the beginning or at the end of the string rolls back in the log file right after the latest
- A sequence of backspaces "\b" at the beginning or at the end of the string rolls back accordingly in the log file.
This should not roll back passed the latest newline character, or the log file contents might be 'messed up' until a new
newline is written. However, no such check is made.
- Carriage returns and backspaces in the middle of the string are replaced with "⇦" and "←", respectively.

Minimal Example
>>> from stdstream_cloner import stdstream_cloner_t
>>> stdout_cloner = stdstream_cloner_t("stdout.log", stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT)
>>> stdout_cloner.PrintToStreamOnly("Only in Console\n") # Note the appended newline character. See class documentation.
>>> stdout_cloner.PrintToLogOnly("Only in Log File\n") # Note the appended newline character. See class documentation.
>>> print("In Both the Console and the Log File")
>>> stdout_cloner.Disable()

import os as opsy
import pathlib as phlb
import sys as syst
from typing import Callable, Final, Optional, TextIO, Union

class stdstream_cloner_t:
    Standard Stream Cloner into a Log File. See the module documentation for a general description of the role of the

    The class implements cloning by replacing the requested standard stream in the `sys` module of the standard library
    with an instance of itself, while implementing a stream-cloning method `write` and 'acquiring' the method
    `sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.flush` where REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM is either `stdout` or `stderr`. It also
    'acquires' the method `sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.write` under the name `PrintToStreamOnly` to allow outputting
    to the standard stream alone, and provides a method `PrintToLogOnly` to allow outputting to the log file alone.

    stream_name : str
        The cloned standard stream name among `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT` for stdout and
        `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR` for stderr.
    std_stream : TextIO
        The cloned standard stream among `sys.stdout` and `sys.stderr`
    log_file_path : pathlib.Path
        Path to the log file.
    log_file_accessor : int or None
        File descriptor as returned by ``, or None when the log file is closed.
    flush : Callable[[], None]
        The cloned standard stream `flush` method.
    PrintToStreamOnly : Callable[[str], int]
        The cloned standard stream `write` method. To be used to send output to the standard stream only. Note that
        since it is simply a pointer to the low-level method `write`, it can only print a single character string at
        once, and it does so without any formatting. In particular, no newline is appended, as done by default by the
        standard `print` function.
        See the `PrintToLogOnly` method.

        Equivalent of the cloned standard stream `write` method, with output cloning to the log file. This method is not
        meant to be called directly; It is called through the `print` function.
        To be used to send output to the log file only. See the note on being a low-level method in the description of
        the `PrintToStreamOnly` attribute.
        Re-enable standard stream cloning after having disabled it with the `Disable` method.
        Disable standard stream cloning. Cloning can be re-enabled later with the `Enable` method.

    __slots__ = (
        "_latest_newline_position",  # Position of the latest newline character "\n" in the log file

    STREAM_NAME_ERR: Final[str] = "err"
    STREAM_NAME_OUT: Final[str] = "out"

    stream_name: str
    std_stream: TextIO
    log_file_path: phlb.Path
    log_file_accessor: Optional[int]
    flush: Callable[[], None]
    PrintToStreamOnly: Callable[[str], int]
    _latest_newline_position: Optional[int]

    def __init__(self, path: Union[str, phlb.Path], stream_name: str, /):
        path : Union[str, pathlib.Path]
            Requested log file path. Valid paths are: path to an un-existing file, in which case the log file will be
            created, or path to an existing file, in which case the file will be appended to. In any other case (for
            example, path to an existing folder), a runtime exception is raised.
        stream_name : str
            Should be `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT` for stdout or `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR` for

        # As a precaution, every slot is first initialized to None
        for slot in self.__class__.__slots__:
            setattr(self, slot, None)

        self.stream_name = stream_name
        if stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            self.std_stream = syst.stdout
        elif stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_ERR:
            self.std_stream = syst.stderr
            raise ValueError(
                f"{stream_name}: Invalid stream type; "
                f'Expected: "{self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT}" or "{self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_ERR}"'
        self.log_file_path = phlb.Path(path)  # Ensures a copy is made
        self.flush = self.std_stream.flush
        self.PrintToStreamOnly = self.std_stream.write


    def write(self, message: str, /) -> int:
        n_characters = self.std_stream.write(message)
        _ = self.PrintToLogOnly(message)

        return n_characters

    def PrintToLogOnly(self, message: str) -> int:
        message = message.replace("\a", "")
        for move in ("\f", "\v"):
            if move in message:
                message = message.replace(move, "\n")

        if message.startswith("\r"):
            message = message[1:]
            if self._latest_newline_position is not None:
                    self._latest_newline_position + 1,
        elif message.startswith("\b"):
            length_before = message.__len__()
            message = message.lstrip("\b")
            length_after = message.__len__()
                self.log_file_accessor, length_after - length_before, opsy.SEEK_CUR

        set_position = False
        rewind_length = 0
        if message.endswith("\b"):
            length_before = message.__len__()
            message = message.rstrip("\b")
            length_after = message.__len__()
            rewind_length = length_after - length_before
        elif message.endswith("\r"):
            message = message[:-1]
            set_position = True

        n_characters = message.__len__()
        if n_characters > 0:
            for unwanted, replacement in zip(("\r", "\b"), ("⇦", "←")):
                if unwanted in message:  # Should not happen
                    message = message.replace(unwanted, replacement)
            opsy.write(self.log_file_accessor, message.encode())

        if rewind_length < 0:
            opsy.lseek(self.log_file_accessor, rewind_length, opsy.SEEK_CUR)
        elif set_position and (self._latest_newline_position is not None):
                self.log_file_accessor, self._latest_newline_position + 1, opsy.SEEK_SET

        return n_characters

    def Enable(self) -> None:
        # To start cloning with an empty stream

        if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            syst.stdout = self
            syst.stderr = self

    def Disable(self) -> None:

        if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            syst.stdout = self.std_stream
            syst.stderr = self.std_stream

    def _UpdateLatestNewlinePosition(self, message: str) -> None:
        Must be called before writing to log file so that file descriptor has not moved yet.

        newline_position = message.rfind("\n")
        if newline_position != -1:
            self._latest_newline_position = (
                opsy.lseek(self.log_file_accessor, 0, opsy.SEEK_CUR) + newline_position

    def _OpenLog(self) -> None:
        if self.log_file_accessor is None:
            already_exists = self.log_file_path.exists()
            if (not already_exists) or self.log_file_path.is_file():
                if already_exists:
                    opening_mode = opsy.O_WRONLY
                    opening_mode = opsy.O_CREAT | opsy.O_WRONLY
                self.log_file_accessor =, opening_mode)
                self._latest_newline_position = None
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{self.log_file_path}: File exists and is not a regular file"
            raise RuntimeError("Trying to open an already-opened log file")

    def _CloseLog(self) -> None:
        if self.log_file_accessor is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Trying to close an unopened log file")
            self.log_file_accessor = None


class stdstream_cloner_t (path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], stream_name: str, /)

Standard Stream Cloner into a Log File. See the module documentation for a general description of the role of the class.

The class implements cloning by replacing the requested standard stream in the sys module of the standard library with an instance of itself, while implementing a stream-cloning method write and 'acquiring' the method sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.flush where REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM is either stdout or stderr. It also 'acquires' the method sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.write under the name PrintToStreamOnly to allow outputting to the standard stream alone, and provides a method PrintToLogOnly to allow outputting to the log file alone.


stream_name : str
The cloned standard stream name among stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT for stdout and stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR for stderr.
std_stream : TextIO
The cloned standard stream among sys.stdout and sys.stderr
log_file_path : pathlib.Path
Path to the log file.
log_file_accessor : int or None
File descriptor as returned by, or None when the log file is closed.
flush : Callable[[], None]
The cloned standard stream flush method.
PrintToStreamOnly : Callable[[str], int]
The cloned standard stream write method. To be used to send output to the standard stream only. Note that since it is simply a pointer to the low-level method write, it can only print a single character string at once, and it does so without any formatting. In particular, no newline is appended, as done by default by the standard print function. See the PrintToLogOnly method.


write(message) Equivalent of the cloned standard stream write method, with output cloning to the log file. This method is not meant to be called directly; It is called through the print function. PrintToLogOnly(message) To be used to send output to the log file only. See the note on being a low-level method in the description of the PrintToStreamOnly attribute. Enable() Re-enable standard stream cloning after having disabled it with the Disable method. Disable() Disable standard stream cloning. Cloning can be re-enabled later with the Enable method.


path : Union[str, pathlib.Path]
Requested log file path. Valid paths are: path to an un-existing file, in which case the log file will be created, or path to an existing file, in which case the file will be appended to. In any other case (for example, path to an existing folder), a runtime exception is raised.
stream_name : str
Should be stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT for stdout or stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR for stderr.
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class stdstream_cloner_t:
    Standard Stream Cloner into a Log File. See the module documentation for a general description of the role of the

    The class implements cloning by replacing the requested standard stream in the `sys` module of the standard library
    with an instance of itself, while implementing a stream-cloning method `write` and 'acquiring' the method
    `sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.flush` where REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM is either `stdout` or `stderr`. It also
    'acquires' the method `sys.REQUESTED_STANDARD_STREAM.write` under the name `PrintToStreamOnly` to allow outputting
    to the standard stream alone, and provides a method `PrintToLogOnly` to allow outputting to the log file alone.

    stream_name : str
        The cloned standard stream name among `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT` for stdout and
        `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR` for stderr.
    std_stream : TextIO
        The cloned standard stream among `sys.stdout` and `sys.stderr`
    log_file_path : pathlib.Path
        Path to the log file.
    log_file_accessor : int or None
        File descriptor as returned by ``, or None when the log file is closed.
    flush : Callable[[], None]
        The cloned standard stream `flush` method.
    PrintToStreamOnly : Callable[[str], int]
        The cloned standard stream `write` method. To be used to send output to the standard stream only. Note that
        since it is simply a pointer to the low-level method `write`, it can only print a single character string at
        once, and it does so without any formatting. In particular, no newline is appended, as done by default by the
        standard `print` function.
        See the `PrintToLogOnly` method.

        Equivalent of the cloned standard stream `write` method, with output cloning to the log file. This method is not
        meant to be called directly; It is called through the `print` function.
        To be used to send output to the log file only. See the note on being a low-level method in the description of
        the `PrintToStreamOnly` attribute.
        Re-enable standard stream cloning after having disabled it with the `Disable` method.
        Disable standard stream cloning. Cloning can be re-enabled later with the `Enable` method.

    __slots__ = (
        "_latest_newline_position",  # Position of the latest newline character "\n" in the log file

    STREAM_NAME_ERR: Final[str] = "err"
    STREAM_NAME_OUT: Final[str] = "out"

    stream_name: str
    std_stream: TextIO
    log_file_path: phlb.Path
    log_file_accessor: Optional[int]
    flush: Callable[[], None]
    PrintToStreamOnly: Callable[[str], int]
    _latest_newline_position: Optional[int]

    def __init__(self, path: Union[str, phlb.Path], stream_name: str, /):
        path : Union[str, pathlib.Path]
            Requested log file path. Valid paths are: path to an un-existing file, in which case the log file will be
            created, or path to an existing file, in which case the file will be appended to. In any other case (for
            example, path to an existing folder), a runtime exception is raised.
        stream_name : str
            Should be `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_OUT` for stdout or `stdstream_cloner_t.STREAM_NAME_ERR` for

        # As a precaution, every slot is first initialized to None
        for slot in self.__class__.__slots__:
            setattr(self, slot, None)

        self.stream_name = stream_name
        if stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            self.std_stream = syst.stdout
        elif stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_ERR:
            self.std_stream = syst.stderr
            raise ValueError(
                f"{stream_name}: Invalid stream type; "
                f'Expected: "{self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT}" or "{self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_ERR}"'
        self.log_file_path = phlb.Path(path)  # Ensures a copy is made
        self.flush = self.std_stream.flush
        self.PrintToStreamOnly = self.std_stream.write


    def write(self, message: str, /) -> int:
        n_characters = self.std_stream.write(message)
        _ = self.PrintToLogOnly(message)

        return n_characters

    def PrintToLogOnly(self, message: str) -> int:
        message = message.replace("\a", "")
        for move in ("\f", "\v"):
            if move in message:
                message = message.replace(move, "\n")

        if message.startswith("\r"):
            message = message[1:]
            if self._latest_newline_position is not None:
                    self._latest_newline_position + 1,
        elif message.startswith("\b"):
            length_before = message.__len__()
            message = message.lstrip("\b")
            length_after = message.__len__()
                self.log_file_accessor, length_after - length_before, opsy.SEEK_CUR

        set_position = False
        rewind_length = 0
        if message.endswith("\b"):
            length_before = message.__len__()
            message = message.rstrip("\b")
            length_after = message.__len__()
            rewind_length = length_after - length_before
        elif message.endswith("\r"):
            message = message[:-1]
            set_position = True

        n_characters = message.__len__()
        if n_characters > 0:
            for unwanted, replacement in zip(("\r", "\b"), ("⇦", "←")):
                if unwanted in message:  # Should not happen
                    message = message.replace(unwanted, replacement)
            opsy.write(self.log_file_accessor, message.encode())

        if rewind_length < 0:
            opsy.lseek(self.log_file_accessor, rewind_length, opsy.SEEK_CUR)
        elif set_position and (self._latest_newline_position is not None):
                self.log_file_accessor, self._latest_newline_position + 1, opsy.SEEK_SET

        return n_characters

    def Enable(self) -> None:
        # To start cloning with an empty stream

        if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            syst.stdout = self
            syst.stderr = self

    def Disable(self) -> None:

        if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
            syst.stdout = self.std_stream
            syst.stderr = self.std_stream

    def _UpdateLatestNewlinePosition(self, message: str) -> None:
        Must be called before writing to log file so that file descriptor has not moved yet.

        newline_position = message.rfind("\n")
        if newline_position != -1:
            self._latest_newline_position = (
                opsy.lseek(self.log_file_accessor, 0, opsy.SEEK_CUR) + newline_position

    def _OpenLog(self) -> None:
        if self.log_file_accessor is None:
            already_exists = self.log_file_path.exists()
            if (not already_exists) or self.log_file_path.is_file():
                if already_exists:
                    opening_mode = opsy.O_WRONLY
                    opening_mode = opsy.O_CREAT | opsy.O_WRONLY
                self.log_file_accessor =, opening_mode)
                self._latest_newline_position = None
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{self.log_file_path}: File exists and is not a regular file"
            raise RuntimeError("Trying to open an already-opened log file")

    def _CloseLog(self) -> None:
        if self.log_file_accessor is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Trying to close an unopened log file")
            self.log_file_accessor = None

Class variables

var STREAM_NAME_ERR : Final[str]
var STREAM_NAME_OUT : Final[str]

Instance variables

var PrintToStreamOnly : Callable[[str], int]

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var flush : Callable[[], NoneType]

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var log_file_accessor : Union[int, NoneType]

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var log_file_path : pathlib.Path

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var std_stream

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var stream_name : str

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def Disable(self) ‑> NoneType
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def Disable(self) -> None:

    if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
        syst.stdout = self.std_stream
        syst.stderr = self.std_stream
def Enable(self) ‑> NoneType
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def Enable(self) -> None:
    # To start cloning with an empty stream

    if self.stream_name == self.__class__.STREAM_NAME_OUT:
        syst.stdout = self
        syst.stderr = self
def PrintToLogOnly(self, message: str) ‑> int
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def PrintToLogOnly(self, message: str) -> int:
    message = message.replace("\a", "")
    for move in ("\f", "\v"):
        if move in message:
            message = message.replace(move, "\n")

    if message.startswith("\r"):
        message = message[1:]
        if self._latest_newline_position is not None:
                self._latest_newline_position + 1,
    elif message.startswith("\b"):
        length_before = message.__len__()
        message = message.lstrip("\b")
        length_after = message.__len__()
            self.log_file_accessor, length_after - length_before, opsy.SEEK_CUR

    set_position = False
    rewind_length = 0
    if message.endswith("\b"):
        length_before = message.__len__()
        message = message.rstrip("\b")
        length_after = message.__len__()
        rewind_length = length_after - length_before
    elif message.endswith("\r"):
        message = message[:-1]
        set_position = True

    n_characters = message.__len__()
    if n_characters > 0:
        for unwanted, replacement in zip(("\r", "\b"), ("⇦", "←")):
            if unwanted in message:  # Should not happen
                message = message.replace(unwanted, replacement)
        opsy.write(self.log_file_accessor, message.encode())

    if rewind_length < 0:
        opsy.lseek(self.log_file_accessor, rewind_length, opsy.SEEK_CUR)
    elif set_position and (self._latest_newline_position is not None):
            self.log_file_accessor, self._latest_newline_position + 1, opsy.SEEK_SET

    return n_characters
def write(self, message: str, /) ‑> int
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def write(self, message: str, /) -> int:
    n_characters = self.std_stream.write(message)
    _ = self.PrintToLogOnly(message)

    return n_characters